Remember the Blessings…
February 11th , 2022, our last full day in Guatemala, was a day the Dustin’s Dream team will never forget. After a busy week of clinics, construction, and feedings, we had one last project to complete - installing a roof on a home in the settlement. This home was located just across from the entrance to the city dump. It had been built on reclaimed landfill and was housing a family of nine - a mother, father, and 7 children (ranging in ages from two years to thirteen years). The size of the home was an area of approximately 12’x20’ in size.
As we arrived at the location, we were greeted by the husband and wife. The husband had taken off work from the city dump to help dig post holes for the project. He had a smile on his face that continued throughout the day, no matter how difficult the labor. While post holes were being dug, Pastor Saul and the husband’s wife worked to clean up the trash that was coming up through the ground with the digging that was taking place.
Many thoughts crossed my mind during this project as I noticed the stark differences from the homes there in the settlement to the homes that we enjoy here in the US. This family was extremely grateful for our team coming to help place a tin roof over a small home with a dirt floor. How many things do I take for granted daily? They did not have their own electricity or running water, they depended on a job that makes approximately $4-$6 daily, and did not have a refrigerator filled with food. They had to carry water from another location.
As we finished the project that day, we prayed with the family, gave them a New Testament, and said our goodbyes. As I walked away, I could not help but think about how little they possessed on this earth, but how joyful they seemed.
My prayer is that I will never forget that day, and that I will be mindful to remember the blessings I have and not take them for granted.